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- Created: April 21, 2015

On June 29th, at 1pm CET, recorded at Nancy in France, watch a Moovis CMC Prosthesis surgery with Pr Gilles DAUTEL, MD.
On June 29th, at 1pm CET, recorded at Nancy in France, watch a Moovis CMC Prosthesis surgery with Pr Gilles DAUTEL, MD.
Recorded at the Clinique Mutualiste Catalane in Perpignan, France. TMC joint arthroplasty with Ivory prosthesis and DIP fusion with X-Fuse implant. Performed by Mr Tanguy MRAOVIC, MD.
Recorded at the Clinique Jeanne d'Arc in Nantes, France. Proximal Interphalangeal Arthroplasty with the Tactys prosthesis. Performed by Mr Philippe BELLEMERE, MD.
(*) These products are not available in the USA.
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CP-AWI-2, 07-2016